Monday, June 25, 2012

Free Tmobile Reverse Phone Lookup - How to Do Free Tmobile Reverse Phone Lookup

Want to do a free Tmobile reverse phone lookup? You will be surprise to know that it can be easier than you think. Here we look at 3 ways you can do free Tmobile reverse phone lookup although they are not confined to Tmobile numbers alone.

1. Use Google, Yahoo and Msn

Domain Name Yahoo

People share information more extensively in this digital age. If the owner is an active user of the internet, chances are he or she would have entered some palpate information online. It can be for an online auction or shopping site, it does not matter.

Free Tmobile Reverse Phone Lookup - How to Do Free Tmobile Reverse Phone Lookup

Go to any of the hunt engines mentioned and key in the whole you want to search. This formula takes longer as you need to browse straight through pages and pages of results before you can find what you are finding for.

2. Online yellowpages and whitepages

These websites contribute an avenue for online users to hunt for numbers that are in the communal domain. However, there are very few that precisely has data on mobile phone numbers. It is even more moving to find information on the whole if it is newly issued.

3. Reverse Cell Phone Look Up Service

The last and the best choice is to use reverse cell phone look up service. Do not worry that you have to fork out large sums of money to use the service. It is precisely quite affordable. A hunt that results in uncut narrative will cost you no more than . And the best thing is, you don't have to pay first. You can do a free Tmobile reverse phone lookup to see if the whole exists in the database before you decree either to pay for more detailed information. It is risk free and you can do as many free Tmobile reverse phone lookup as you want.

George is a webmaster and reviewer of reverse hunt services on phone numbers. Read his enumerate as well as see a demo on the most used phone whole hunt supplier in the internet today and do a free Tmobile reverse phone lookup.

Free Tmobile Reverse Phone Lookup - How to Do Free Tmobile Reverse Phone Lookup

Watches Watch Bands Patio Lawn & Garden Hardware & Locks Stops

Monday, June 25, 2012 by chatnakongai · 0

Saturday, June 23, 2012

productive Website institute For weighty Traffic

Step 1:Do your homework

Plan and think about your content. Think big, have a foresight of at least a 100 page site. The pages should have "real content", as opposed to link pages, resource pages, about/copyright... Etc pages.

Domain Name Yahoo

Step 2:Buy Domain name:

productive Website institute For weighty Traffic

Invest in an unmistakably brandable domain. You may want "" and not "". Keyword domains will go no where, whereas branding and name recognition are the in thing. The value of keywords in a domain name have never been less to hunt Engines. Get them

Step 3:Site Design:

As a rule of the thumb: develop for Ms Internet Explorer. As for text content, it should out weigh the html content. Spiders are not to the point they unmistakably like eating html 4.0 and the mess that it can bring.

Use less of these heavy stuff: flash, dom, java, java script. Go external with scripting languages if you must have them - there is miniature theorize to have them that I can see - they will rarely help a site and stand to hurt it greatly due to many factors most habitancy don't appreciate (search engines distaste for javascripts is just one of them).

Arrange the site in a logical manner with directory names hitting the top keywords you wish to hit.

Don't clutter and don't spam your site with frivolous links like "best viewed" or other counter like junk. Keep it clean and expert to the best of your ability.

Visit and learn from them. Simple is retro cool - Simple is what surfers want.

Your site should riposte almost promptly to a request. If you get into even 3-4 seconds delay until "something happens" in the browser, you are in long term trouble. That 3-4 seconds response time may vary for site destined to live in other countries than your native one. The site should riposte locally within 3-4 seconds (max) to any request.

If you need help, visit for the newest web develop packages.

Step 4:Check Page Size:

The smaller the better. Keep it under 15k if you can. The smaller the better. Keep it under 12k if you can. The smaller the better. Keep it under 10k if you can.

Step 5:Build Content:

Build one page of content and put online per day at 200-500 words. If you aren't sure what you need for content, start with the []’s keyword suggestor and find the core set of keywords for your topic area. Those are your field starters.

Step 6:Check Keywords’ placing

Use the keyword once in title, once in record tag, once in a heading, once in the url, once in bold, once in italic, once high on the page, and hit the density in the middle of 5 and 20% (don't fret about it). Use good sentences and spell check it. Spell checking is becoming prominent as hunt engines are bright to auto correction while searches.

Step 7:Cross links:

Link to on topic quality content over your site. If a page is about food, then make sure it links it to the apples and veggies page. Specifically with Google, on topic cross linking is very prominent for sharing your Page Rating (Pr) value over your site. You do Not want an "all star" page that out performs the rest of your site. You want 50 pages that yield 1 referral each a day and do Not want 1 page that produces 50 referrals a day. If you do find one page that drastically out produces the rest of the site with Google, you need to off load some of that pr value to other pages by cross linking heavily.

Step 8:Put it Online:

Make sure the site is "crawlable" by a spider. All pages should be linked to more than one other page on your site, and not more than 2 levels deep from root. Link the topic vertically as much as possible back to root. A menu that is gift on every page should link to your sites main "topic index" pages (the doorways and logical pilotage law down into real content).

Don't put it online before you have a quality site to put online. It's worse to put a "nothing" site online, than no site at all. Go for a listing in the Odp. If you have the budget, then submit to Looksmart and Yahoo. If you don't have the budget, then try for a freebie on Yahoo.

productive Website institute For weighty Traffic

Fall Men Fall Style Guide Guys Cardigans Everlast

Saturday, June 23, 2012 by chatnakongai · 0

Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to Start an Online Clothing Store in 12 Steps

This record is meant to be a very rough figure in the process of starting up an e-commerce based clothing store or boutique. In the high-paced and competitive world of fashion retail setting up your store is just the first step and quite positively has petite bearing on how flourishing your store will positively be. For example, has an estimated monthly traffic of 840K, but since going collective in 1998 has never made a particular year of profit. As of December 31, 2009, Bluefly has an accumulated deficit of 7,468,000. Your guess on how they remain in firm is as good as mine, but think of it this way. Even if you only make .00 of profit your first year of business, then you are technically doing great than Bluefly.

Please note, many of these steps can be done concurrently. For example, while you are filing your legal forms, you can work on your web design. This is especially true if you are depending on a third-party to manufacture and set-up your website. They may work on a longer time frame than you initially anticipated. I do extremely propose that you just focus on the firm plan initially. For example, if you conclude that you are going to manufacture your website with a specific idea while you write your firm plan, then you just might find after researching that your idea is not what you're going to move send with. In this case, you probably spent 40-60 hours on non-productive output.

Domain Name Yahoo

1. Write a firm plan.

How to Start an Online Clothing Store in 12 Steps

To be honest with you, when my girlfriend and I launched our website, we did not have a firm plan, but we did write one eventually. The simple fact is that if you are planning for success, then you must write a firm plan sooner or later. In firm school, you write it sooner than later. The firm plan is leading because it soldiery you to do investigate about the industry, your competitors, and your resources. Additionally, it soldiery you to think deeply about how you are going to effect in this extremely competitive industry. If you think that you are going to be just like Modcloth, then why would you expect to be flourishing compared to Modcloth when they are working with millions of dollars of investment capitalist funds for a workforce, marketing, inventory, etc. I don't have an respond for you, but my point is that you have to come up with a plan before investing your life's savings into this new venture. Also, the firm plan is leading because it also soldiery you to assessment how much money you will need and where that many is advent from. The reality is that unless you have real background in finance, you will not be able to build a 5-10 year projected Discounted Cash Flow Model and figure out your Wacc, but having some kind of rough idea of your cash flow is great than nothing.

You should also contain a plan on how you are going to initially set-up your website. For example, using a subscription-based shopping cart will turn your funds than if you conclude to use an open-source shopping cart. Also, you should also do your first investigate on web hosting fellowships since they can range from /month to over 0/month. My only advice is that you get the fastest and most trustworthy that your funds will allow. Please note, that all I'm suggesting is that you plan what you are going to do as far as web manufacture and hosting is concerned, not that you go out and pay for these services right now. The only cost that you may want to think at this moment is that for registering a domain name. That's because they are relatively uncostly to register and you don't want to maybe miss out on registering your wanted domain.

You should come up with a funds and plan for marketing, collective relations, and hunt motor optimization. These will most likely be your largest cost heading into the future. Remember, buying inventory is not an expense, it is an asset.

Last, but not least, you also want to plan on order fulfillment. This is just a fancy way of saying how you are going to pack and send your product, as well as what return procedure and procedure you will have in place. Will you use Usps, Ups, FedEx, or Dhl? Will you have free shipping, returns, and/or exchanges? These are all things that should be planned for, though will turn over time.

2. Apply for a manager Identification estimate with the Irs

Once again, if you are planning for success in the future, then you are going to have to run your firm legally. You will need an Ein to open a bank account, apply for a firm license, and get a seller's permit. Just hunt "Ein" in the google hunt motor and the Irs website should be the first result. When applying for your Ein, you will need to know the legal buildings of your business. For example, if your firm is going to be a one man or woman show, then you are going to apply as a sole proprietor. If it turns out that you and your mom are going to run the business, then you may select partnership or conclude to incorporate.

Pick your fictitious firm name, "Doing firm As," and file it with your county clerk

One of the more keen step in setting up your firm will always be picking a name. My girlfriend and chose T.I.L. Darling because before we were officially a couple, she would tell me that in Thailand, her home country, that she and I could never go out alone as even friends. I told her, "This is London, Darling." So, I guess our firm name should technically be T.I.L., Darling, to be more grammatically correct. Once you have your fictitious firm name, you need to make a pretty good endeavor to make sure no one else is using that same name. Otherwise, years down the line when you are making money, you can expect a letter from a lawyer saying how they are going to sue the designer pants off of you.

If your county registrar/clerk has a website with downloadable forms, then hunt for the Dba filing form, fill it out, and bring it to the county clerk. Otherwise, you will just have to do everything in person. There, you will probably have your first firm cost with the filing fee. Your second cost will be the requirement that you advertise your new firm name in an stylish newspaper or collective publication so that if anything has a problem with your Dba then they can step forward. The county clerk will be able to point you in the right direction for this step.

3. Open a firm bank account

Again, planning for hereafter success, you will want to open up a detach bank inventory for your business. This way, you can track and positively detach firm expenses from your personal expenses, write checks or have transactions under your firm name, and just generally feel like a real business.

4. Start designing and setting up your website

There are positively a few methods of going send with your website. I will gawk a few options starting from the most high-priced to the least costly. Even though I would have to question whether or not running an online firm if for you, but if you have extremely petite caress with web manufacture or are just not internet savvy, then you may need to do everything third-party. If you comprehend that you're going to need man to manufacture your website, initially set-up your domain and site, then you will probably need to find some kind of subscription based shopping cart. For example, if you have money to spend, then hunt "boutiquecommerce" in the google hunt engine. This firm will do just about everything for you, from web design, domain registration, web hosting, to ongoing support. There are many third-party shopping carts fitting almost any budget. To be honest, I have no caress with any paid or subscription based shopping cart and so I will limit any idea I have on them.

Another alternative is to buy a website template designed on top of an open-source (free) shopping-cart platform. hunt "templatemonster" in the Google hunt engine. Filter your hunt to contain E-Commerce templates and select "fashion" as your category, though you can customize any template to your needs in reality.

On a side note, before you buy your template, you should set-up your server. While your firm plan research, you should have figured out what web host fits best for you, but now is the time to positively spend some money because you will not be able to test your template unless you have a server to upload it to. This also means that if you haven't done so already, then you will have to finally register your domain name, which is something you should have also figured out in your firm plan. Most web hosts will positively register your domain for free, but feel free to use a service, such as godaddy, and you'll need to turn the namerservers to point to your web host.

Once you have your template and web host, then you need to upload your template and start customizing it. You can whether use a "template tuning" aid or if you have sufficient html, php, and photoshop experience, then you can do it yourself. Unfortunately, this step can be pretty difficult even for somewhat internet savvy users because this is where you will need to learn a petite bit about setting up a database, setting up a database user, and how to use an Ftp program to upload your site. That's why some may opt to use a third-party shopping cart, but this selection is by far the most flexible and cheapest if you have the time and are willing to learn.

You will also need to figure out how you will accept payment on your website. If you want to accept prestige cards, which you should, then you will need a payment gateway. The most beloved would be PayPal Pro and You will need to apply for an account.

Of course, there is the extreme Dyi approach, where you can not only manufacture your own website, but also code your own shopping cart. If this is the case, then I extremely doubt you need to read this section of my tutorial.

5. Make firm Cards

Yes, I positively made this an personel step because you will need a firm card to register for trade shows, as well as deal with suppliers. Since you are also working on your website design, it is also more productive to work on a firm card design. Additionally, you need some lead time because printers will fee you extra to expedite printing and shipping. So, if you plan ahead, you can save quite a bit of money.

6. Apply for a firm license in your city

Once again, if your city has website dedicated to business, then you should be able to download an application for a firm license. In some cities, you can even apply for a home-based firm license. Of course, only fill out a home-based firm license if that is your case. Bring or even maybe mail your completed application and filing fee to the approved location. The think I put this step after designing your website is because the firm license fee is a yearly fee and so why pay when you are not even close to launching your website.

7. Apply for a Seller's Permit

At this point, you should be fairly proficient at filing out forms. The last application you should have to file is for your seller's permit, sometimes mistakenly called a resale license. The seller's permit will allow you to buy from your wholesalers without paying sales tax, but it also requires you to pay the sales tax on any items sold, within your state, every quarter. Of course, in modern commerce, you are allowed to regain the sales tax from your customers.

8. figure out how you are going to display your products

Before you positively source your products, I believe it is wise to first figure out how you are going to display your products on your website. Are you going to use a mannequin, model, or just lay it flat. Will you outsource your stock photography or do it right in your bedroom, which is how we first started. If you are going to do it yourself, then you still need to make sure it fits your funds and firm plan as far as purchasing equipment. If you are going to need equipment, then now is the time to whether jump online or go out and start making a real investment in your business.

9. Plan your stock mix and find suppliers

While you are figuring out how you will extreme display your products, you will want to start researching where you will buy your products. If you haven't done so, then you will want to start thinking more about your stock mix. Of course, it needs to fit perfectly with your firm plan, concept, and funds you already established in step 1. Fashion buying is other topic thoroughly and I extremely propose you read up on it if you can.

After you have some kind of buying plan, it's time to find suppliers. If you are lucky, then you will be able to catch the Magic Marketplace trade show in Las Vegas. They have vendors for vintage inspired clothing, juniors clothing, indie clothing, etc. It is essentially the largest fashion trade show in the Usa and maybe the world. If you cannot find suppliers at Magic, then I would positively be surprised. If you cannot wait for the bi-annual trade show, then you are most likely going to need to take a trip to the Los Angeles Fashion District. If you are looking for the glamorous world of designer labels, then you will be spending your time at "The Intersection." At this intersection you will find the California store Center, Cooper manufacture Space, Gerry Building, and The New Mart. Here you can find brands such as A.B.S. By Allen Schwartz, Bcbg, and Betsey Johnson. If you are in this market, then be sure to bring copies of your firm license, firm card, and seller's license. Also, as an online business, be ready to be rejected by many showrooms. If you're like me though, then it should only inspire you to be more flourishing so that when the time comes you can reject them.

If your price point is a lot lower, then you are going to positively want to spend time around the San Pedro Mart area. You will probably find that 80-90% of these wholesalers are not right for your target market, but that only means that you should find 10%-20% that is right and will be able to focus on construction those relationships into the future.

Of course, you can always turn to the internet, registering with sites like fashiongo and lashowroom. Additionally, you can caress personel brand sales reps and they should send you line sheets and look books. In fact, this is how most firm will be later in the future, but I propose you visit trade shows and marts to get your feet a petite wet.

10. Start stock photography and adding content to your website

Since you should have planned earlier for stock photography, this step should be self explanatory. You want to add the products to your website and get it ready for a more official launch.

11. Start your marketing campaign, hunt motor Optimization campaign, and Pr campaign

Again, these campaigns should have already been planned in the first step. This step is pretty much a hundred separate subjects on its own and so I will not positively dive to deep into it. The most rudimentary start would be to submit your site to hunt engines, such as Google and Yahoo!, sign up for Google AdWords, and start a Facebook and Twitter account. There is probably a good opening that will have to depend on paid advertising to get decent traffic at the beginning, but I extremely propose you plan and funds appropriately.

It might take one day or a whole month, but you're going to get your first order and at that point you can finally say you positively set-up your online clothing store.

12. Keep learning as much as you can

Like I said, setting up an online clothing store is just the first step. In reality, you are going to have to learn as much as you can about fashion buying, merchandising, marketing, hunt motor optimization, html, php, ajax, javascript, analytics, etc.

How to Start an Online Clothing Store in 12 Steps

Everlast HDMI Cables Cases & Covers Phone Socks

Thursday, June 21, 2012 by chatnakongai · 0

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Advertize vs Advertise - Does It Matter How You Spell Advertize

Over the past several months, I've been working the Seo and dynamics of optimization for keywords, and recently I came across the epitome of disclaimers over spell checker. But... In good faith, I must say, there's a purpose to my madness.

When I originally chose the name for a website about advertizing, I misspelled the word accidentally. Fingers on the wrong keys, can't spell, bad typo, you pick the excuse, I'll use it, but in all fairness, I'd been typing the word correctly for several attempts and the last time I typed it in, I misspelled it, nabbed the domain and ran for the exit. Then I looked backwards and realized nobody was chasing me. Dratt! What'd I do wrong. I looked at the spelling. I figured I moved a vowel in business* or something overt that wouldn't work. Nope, I used a Z in place of an S in Advertize. Yay! It works.

Domain Name Yahoo

My gnome de plume has the essence of success, and there it is Misspelled for the world to notice. (Exhaustion often takes me where I didn't want to go, but that's an additional one story.) Misspelled works for me. As soon as Google crawled my website, I hit the front page, optimized for the misspelled word. But the numbers rankled! I wanted something more.

Advertize vs Advertise - Does It Matter How You Spell Advertize

If I can misspell it once, can I do it again and get results?

Perhaps, but will it work?

(The conversations I have with myself should be recorded for some sanity testing level of psychoanalysis. unquestionably there's a cure in there somewhere!)

Write articles!!! Whoohoo, that works. If I write articles and misspell Advertize in them, sending every link back to my Misspelled Site, it should get some attention, right? Well, it does work.

In just a few months of random articles with the title Advertize (misspelled of course) were dotting the data Highway and I was happy with the results. The word Advertize was searched just short of a million times (with results) and at the top of those results was my website. Yahoo! article Marketing and Seo works.

Are you ready to double those results?

Advertize vs Advertise - Does It Matter How You Spell Advertize

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Sunday, June 17, 2012 by chatnakongai · 0

Friday, June 15, 2012

What Is A Ws Domain Extension?

The story of the .ws domain prolongation begins with Michael Reed and Alan Ezeir the Ceo's and founders of Gdi or Global Domains International which is the firm responsible for registering the .ws extension. Michael and Alan were seeing for an alternative that businesses could use as an alternative to the widely popular .com prolongation that exploded throughout the 1990's.

Both Michael and Alan took a look into country assigned domain extensions that are assigned by the Iana or Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. They are codes that are given to countries to use for the Internet such as .us for the Usa or .au for Australia. They were searching for a country code that could be marketed globally as a popular alternative to the very well known .com extension.

Domain Name Yahoo

After much investigate they decided to focus all of their efforts on the tiny island of Samoa which is placed in the deep South Pacific. With only a citizen of less than 200,000 people, the .ws domain was not used on a large scale and it seemed to be the exquisite domain to store as the top level domain of websites. The .ws domain had the exquisite branding power and petition to do this with.

What Is A Ws Domain Extension?

Michael and Alan now had their plan laid out and set off on a trip to Samoa to negotiate contracts with the government and of Samoa. After many meetings they were convinced that they had them sold, but after going back to the states they found out their firm proposal had been rejected and since the time had passed at least a half dozen other associates had a opening to pitch their proposals.

Just before giving up Mike had an idea to taste a Samoan government owned technology firm that was given the covenant and placed a call to the normal Manager. He knew that their ability to properly store the domain on a global scale would be very exiguous and he pitched to him the idea of beginning a partnership. The firm accepted the deal.

Moving send to November of 2000, Global Domains International had sold over 100,000 .ws domains to the customers in over 180 countries. Big names like Yahoo!, Cisco, Dell Computers and Intel are customers as well as many top fortune 500 associates that are buying up the .ws prolongation daily

The Samoan firm wanted to test them and see if they could furnish 15,000 .ws registrations in three years and Gdi was able to do it in the first month of business. Now they enjoy a ration of all sales produced by Global Domains International and Gdi now has an exclusive 12 year covenant to distribute the .ws name worldwide.

What Is A Ws Domain Extension?

crib bedding sets

Friday, June 15, 2012 by chatnakongai · 0

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Creating a Yahoo Mail catalogue

Yahoo Mail is one of the most widely used and diverse E-mail applications today. Creating a Yahoo Mail list is a relatively short process. To originate a Yahoo Mail account, start by entering to Yahoo's website into your internet browser. On the top right side of the page, there will be four options to select from: "Sign In", "New Here? Sign Up", "What are you doing?" and "Page Options". Click on "New Here? Sign Up". After clicking on the "New Here? Sign Up" option, the browser will load an application page for Yahoo Mail. This will have some sections for you to fill out fully to originate your account. Let's begin.

The first section is labeled "Tell us about yourself...". This is where you will enter your first and last name, or any name you choose. Next, opt your gender from the drop down box "-Select One-". After this, there will be other drop down box labeled "-Select Month-". opt your month of birth from the menu, then type in the date and year of your birth in the fields next to it. "I live in" is where you will select the country in which you are currently residing. Ultimately for this section, you'll need to enter your postal or zip code.

Domain Name Yahoo

The next section to be completed is "Select an Id and password". opt the box next to "Yahoo Id and Email", and enter in the e-mail address you prefer. Now it's time to select a password. There will be a password impel meter on the right side of this box. To originate the most secure, or strongest password, you will want to enter an alphanumeric password of at least 8 characters. Make sure this password does not look your Yahoo Id, or any personal facts pertaining to you. Repeat the password you have chosen in the box labeled 'Re-type Password' exactly as you have in the old box to faultless the "Select an Id and Password" segment.

Creating a Yahoo Mail catalogue

The third section, "In case you forget your Id or password..." is to help in case you do not remember your list name or password in the future. If you have other e-mail address, type it into the "Alternate Email" box. Underneath this, you will see two "Security Question" options. Use the drop down menus to opt your safety questions. The respond you enter, under these drop down questions, should be an respond you'll remember by memory only. Do not write down this facts if you want a collect account, as this facts can be used to way your account. Also, make sure the questions you select are the questions you are most likely to remember correctly.

"Just a merge more details..." is the final portion. This is where you will enter in a safety code that tells the website that you are a real person. If you're have issue reading the jumbled characters, click on the "Need audio assistance?" option. This button will play a word or code to you over your speakers that you can type into the field labeled "Type the code shown". Under the safety code, you will see a "Do you agree?" check box. This box must be checked to allow Yahoo Mail to originate your account. You can select to read straight through the rules in the links provided.

And with this, you now have a Yahoo Mail account. Enjoy!

Creating a Yahoo Mail catalogue

Strength Training Equipment Dumbbells

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 by chatnakongai · 0

Monday, June 11, 2012

Network Troubleshooting Commands

Troubleshooting computer network is among the most foremost job descriptions of the network administrators, ideas administrators, network technicians and the It consultants. A computer network can have distinct kinds of problems such as it can be infected with virus and spyware, attacked by hackers, accessed by unauthorized users and may face connectivity failure issues due to the faulty network devices or configurations. Following is a list of the basic network troubleshooting commands that are built-in the Windows based operating systems and Unix etc. The right use of these troubleshooting commands can helps a lot in diagnosing and resolving the issues with your computer network.


Domain Name Yahoo

Ping is the most foremost troubleshooting command and it checks the connectivity with the other computers. For example your system's Ip address is and your network servers' Ip address is and you can check the connectivity with the server by using the Ping command in following format.

Network Troubleshooting Commands

At Dos prompt type Ping and press enter

If you get the reply from the server then the connectivity is ok and if you get the error message like this "Request time out" this means the there is some problem in the connectivity with the server.


Ipconfig is someone else foremost command in Windows. It shows the Ip address of the computer and also it shows the Dns, Dhcp, Gateway addresses of the network and subnet mask.

At Dos prompt type ipconfig and press enter to see the Ip address of your computer.

At Dos prompt type inconfig/all and press enter to see the detailed information.


Nslookup is a Tcp/Ip based command and it checks domain name aliases, Dns records, operating ideas facts by sending query to the Internet Domain Name Servers. You can resolve the errors with the Dns of your network server


Hostname command shows you the computer name.

At Dos prompt type Hostname and press enter


Netstat utility shows the protocols statistics and the current established Tcp/Ip connections in the computer.


Nbtstat helps to troubleshoot the Netbios name resolutions problems.


Arp displays and modifies Ip to physical address translation table that is used by the Arp protocols.


Finger command is used to retrieve the facts about a user on a network.


Tracert command is used to resolve the path of the remote system. This tool also provides the estimate of hops and the Ip address of each hop. For example if you want to see that how many hops (routers) are complicated to reach any Url and what's the Ip address of each hop then use the following command.

At command prompt type tracert you will see a list of all the hops and their Ip addresses.


Traceroute is a very beneficial network debugging command and it is used in locating the server that is slowing down the transmission on the internet and it also shows the route between the two systems


Route command allows you to make manual entries in the routing table.

Hopefully the above mentioned commands will help you to diagnose the troubleshooting your computer networking problems.

Network Troubleshooting Commands

Men Fall Style Guide Pull-Over Sweaters Speaker Accessories

Monday, June 11, 2012 by chatnakongai · 0

All Rights Reserved domain name yahoo